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What You Need To Know
Our approach:

Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that uses techniques such as advanced muscle release, joint mobilization, and acupuncture to help treat most injuries. They also may use therapeutic modalities such as heat, ultrasound, IFC, and exercises to help in your recovery. Through their extensive training and education, your physiotherapist can do wonders for patients suffering from a multitude of problems that may cause pain and immobility.

What You Need To Know
Our approach:

Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments. The theory is that proper alignment of the body's musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication. Manipulation is used to restore mobility to joints restricted by tissue injury caused by a traumatic event, such as falling, or repetitive stress, such as sitting without proper back support.

Chiropractic treatment is primarily used as a pain relief alternative for muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue, such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is sometimes used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.

Acupuncture/ Dry Needling
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Our approach:

Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites--commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints. The most common method used to stimulate acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin. Pressure, heat, or electrical stimulation may further enhance the effects.

Custom Orthotics
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Custom orthotics are custom-built corrective shoe inserts that provide personalized support to the structures of our feet. Orthotics act to correct or accommodate biomechanical abnormalities, foot deformities, and a variety of joint and muscle conditions (i.e.: arthritis) to improve your gait and manage pain. They do this by redistributing the force and pressure placed on our muscles and joints when we move. This in turn alleviates strain and pain in our feet and the rest of our body.

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
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Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy involving internal and external assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor muscles. Those muscles are located between the hip bones and the sacrum, and they serve as a bowl to support the pelvic organs including the bladder, colon, and uterus.

Shockwave Therapy
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Our approach:

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves creating a series of low-energy acoustic wave pulsations that are directly applied to an injury through a person’s skin via a gel medium. The concept and technology originally evolved from the discovery that focused sound waves were capable of breaking down kidneys and gallstones. Generated shockwaves have proven successful in a number of scientific studies for the treatment of chronic conditions.

Compression Hose
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Our approach:

Compression hose/ stockings are specially made, snug-fitting, stretchy socks/ knee highs, thigh highs or pantyhose that gently squeeze your leg. Graduated compression or pressure stockings are tighter around your ankle and get looser as they move up your leg.
Compression stockings can keep your legs from getting tired and achy. They can also ease swelling in your feet and ankles as well as help prevent and treat spider and varicose veins. They may even stop you from feeling light-headed or dizzy when you stand up.
Because the blood keeps moving, it's harder for it to pool in your veins and make a clot. If one forms and breaks free, it can travel with your blood and get stuck somewhere dangerous, like your lungs. Clots also make it harder for blood to flow around them, and that can cause swelling, discolored skin, and other problems.

Orthopaedic Bracing
What You Need To Know
Our approach:

Orthopedic braces are medical devices designed to address musculoskeletal issues; they are used to properly align, correct the position, support, stabilize, and protect certain parts of the body (particularly the muscles, joints, and bones) as they heal from injury or trauma. These medical devices are often prescribed for the patient to wear during the process of recovery and rehabilitation.
